Tuesday 22 June 2004


Compare these photos of commedian Jonathon Atherton and documentary film-maker Morgan Spurlock:
(via timadlide.com)
(via Wikimedia)
Similar? That's only a little bit odd, but take into account that I've known at least three other people who look just like this, and I'm sure there are more. I'm starting to gain more sympathy for Terry Pratchett's theory that there are only a certain number of people in the world, and you keep meeting the same ones over and over, no matter where you go.

So what's the explanation for all these lookalikes? Were they all cut from the same celestial mould, or is there some kind of natural shaping force at work that makes our faces and bodies gravitate towards a certain pre-defined set of looks, with fewer types of bodies than there are people?

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Is God not as creative as we thought?
PPS - I think it's possible He's just funnier than we thought.

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