Monday 5 July 2004

Unexpected Fun

I've had a bit more time to play Knights of the Old Republic now, and I'm getting to enjoy it far more than I expected when I started. The Star Wars backdrop is probably helping me get into it, but it's more than just liking Star Wars or puzzle-solving. Before too long I may even go hunting for experience points just to advance levels and skills. Truthfully, I don't make that much time to play. I spend my free time on Big Brother or movies, and at the moment my free time consists of Monday nights, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. I sleep on Saturday mornings and Sundays, and I've been seeing plenty of movies lately, which I usually do on Saturday afternoon. Monday nights is Big Brother weekly nominations for eviction which takes an hour and a half, and Saturday evenings is often a video night. Any remaining free time in the week is typically needed for sleep.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - The game says my total playing time so far is just under six hours.
PPS - And I'm pretty sure I bought it over a month ago.

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