Monday 2 August 2004

Light, dark, yin, yang, the whole deal

Just a little observation I've made recently: people who take joy in forms of destruction (explosions, demolitions, smashing things, car crashes) are almost never the people who take joy in forms of creation (design, painting, cooking, writing). It could be that these just represent two kinds of personality, like introverts and extroverts. Some people would blame different interests. I think it goes deeper, down to the core of whether you identify with the light or dark side of The Force, so to speak. If it's fun to smash things and you watch shows like "When Buildings Fall Down", it's possible you're on your way to being the next Darth Vader.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I took a break from City of Heroes yesterday.
PPS - In practice, that meant playing for only two hours.

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