Thursday 25 August 2005

The Morning News

I have two updates to give you this morning in the saga of my life:
1. I now have my own security card for the other office. Sort of. It's the loan card, but I get to keep it until I get a proper one.
2. I jumped the gun a bit when I pronounced the last day of the old car. The new Corolla is arriving on Monday.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Further applications to be in Milhouse should at least include a name.
PPS - A fake name is enough, and seems rather appropriate.


Anonymous said...

who's deb?????

Anonymous said...

fake name is Elmo

btw who's deb?????

btww in Milhouse i assume we wont use our real names it will just be like Milhouse 1, Milhouse 2, etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

actually it should be like Milhouse A, Milhouse B, Milhouse C

is deb in the fake band????

maybe deb doesnt exist....does she exist????

btw does deb exist????