Thursday 25 August 2005

Who's Deb?

Just to clear up any confusion anyone has, Debbie (or Deb) is my girlfriend. All clear?

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I had previously mentioned this explicitly in comments.
PPS - That's why I felt no particular need to make a big deal of it.


Erin Marie said...

I don't know about you, but I'm highly suspicous about the number of 'who is Deb' comments that have been left lying around here...

*suspiciously looks around*

Anonymous said...

so....who's deb??????

Anonymous said...

i still havent been told if i'm in Milhouse yet???? John.....

btw does deb exist?????

Erin Marie said...

Um, yes she does exist.

Anonymous said...

but how can you be sure???

have you ever seen the movie Simone...everyone thought that she existed...but she didnt

so...does deb exist?????