Friday 2 December 2005

Lumps of coal in the Sony stocking

Much as I hate the abbreviation "Xmas", I'm getting on board with this:
No Christmas for Sony

Sony have been very naughty this year, and the plan is to boycott all Sony products (hardware, music, games and, yes, Playstations too) for gifts this Christmas. You don't need Sony, and you certainly don't need to be treated like a criminal by them after paying for their products. Show them who's got the money around here and keep it in your wallet.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Meme via Boing Boing.
PPS - Blogger troubles may have delayed this post.


Anonymous said...

Rather than lose out on any fun through this boycott. Could we instead suggest that people choose alternate methods to acquire their playstation fun? I'm fairly certain the last court case ruled in the people's favour rather than sony when the ability to backup games was questioned.

John said...

I believe the court ruling (if I am well-informed and adequately sane) was that it is not illegal for a Sony customer to modify their Playstation to play imported games.

I won't get into the piracy debate - the point of "No Christmas for Sony" is that you don't buy Sony products for Christmas. Anything else you do is up to you.

Pstonie said...

Well. If I was going to buy any Sony-produced electronics this Christmas, I still would. Fact is, at least the way I see it, that Sony makes the best stuff. Sure, it's a little more expensive but it's reliable and it has the most features of any other brand.

I would feel different if they had harmed my computer, which they didn't. I'm not what you'd call a frequent buyer of music. And this is purely hypothetical, as I don't need any electronics and I'm not planning to buy any for anyone else.