Sunday 22 January 2006

The Sunday Mok - Semi-anniversary

On and off during the week, but especially on Sunday, I had extreme urges to get my long hair cut off. It's just too hot here, and I feel silly with it tied back all the time. Besides church, I played City of Heroes and watched some old recorded Rage plus Stargate SG-1.
On Monday night, Dad, Ug and I went to Sizzler for dinner. It's set to become a semi-regular thing. In City of Heroes later on, I took Dire Sun into the Player-vs-Player zone "Warburg" for the first time. He didn't get splatted, so I consider it a success.
Tuesday evening, with the rest of the crew, I saw The Producers. I laughed, though I thought Matthew Broderick was way over the top.
I finally had a meeting with our new HR manager on Wednesday to discuss the future of Human Resources software in the company. I think the project we outlined was a bit much. It would, however, keep me rather busy for over a year.
Thursday evening, before dinner at Dad & Beth's, I went to the doctor about my left wrist. I suspected it was tendonitis, since it usually went away if I strapped it up. The doctor said it was tendonitis and I should strap it up and/or take some anti-inflammatory tablets.
Friday night was Deb's and my semi-anniversary: six months. I bought her some nice earrings and a pendant, and we had dinner at the Summit Restaurant on Mt Coot-tha.
Saturday was my first time ever at the Lifeline Bookfest. I came away with a bundle of $36 worth of science fiction that took two bags to carry. It's likely to be a while before I even get around to the first one.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Sometime soon I should explain the name "Ug the Caveman" as relates to my brother.
PPS - He decided on the name himself, so it's not like I'm deliberately insulting him.


Anonymous said...

John, I couldn't help but smile at your mini-boast of "two bags of books" :-)

We went for two days in row, spent 7 hours each day, spend over 1K dollars and the number of bags brought home exceeded 30.

Now that's serious bibliophilia, no?

John said...

Generally, I don't tend to boast at all. ;)
I must bow to your truly Herculean effort. I like books, but if I brought back one thousand dollars' worth, I'd have nowhere to put them.
My uncle, after helping my cousin move in with her then-new husband, remarked that in future he would only help people move house if they are illiterate nudists. She's a bibliophile too, though I suspect not quite to the same extent as you.