Friday 31 March 2006


You know when you open up a program and for some reason all of your settings are gone? This morning it seems that Thunderbird has forgotten which newsfeeds I like to read. It has, in fact, forgotten that I like to read newsfeeds at all, and presented me with the standard request to create a new account. That kind of event does not bode especially well for the day to come. If I were superstitious I'd cross my fingers or something. Spit on a frog, I don't know. Not being superstitious, I'm not sure what gestures one makes to ward off software bad luck.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Fortunately I had a backup of the feed locations.
PPS - They are, however, no longer sorted or named as I'd like.

1 comment:

Erin Marie said...

You stand on one leg, arms folded like wings and pay homage to the Mighty Software Chicken by chanting

Cluck Cluck Cluck
Software Luck.