Sunday 3 December 2006

The Sunday Mok - Can't walk down the street without being offered a job

Sunday - After the morning church service I had lunch at Deb's. We skipped dinner because we weren't that hungry, and I ran the computer for the evening service. By the time we got to the Coffee Club afterwards, the kitchen was closed.
Monday - We had some unpacking to do at work, but then very little else for the rest of the day. I found I couldn't use Thunderbird for email in the new office. Bible study was at my place.
Tuesday - Deb met me for lunch in the courtyard outside, which was nice. After karate in the evening, I logged on to City of Heroes for about an hour. It's the first time I've played in a while, or at least it feels that way.
Wednesday - I got to Deb's for dinner about 20 minutes before anyone else got home, including Deb, so I sat outside and contemplated the weather. We watched the end of Stargate Atlantis season 1 and were upset at the cliffhanger ending, especially since we didn't have the next disc.
Thursday - I spent the day at a seminar instead of at the office. In the evening, I showed up a week early for a meeting. What can I say? I'm enthusiastic. Following that, there was a farewell party for Scott, who is now overseas.
Friday - The company put on a lunch for our section, which was good. In the evening for youth group, we took the kids to Southbank for a photo scavenger hunt.
Saturday - I went for a jog in the morning and got offered a job on the Santa sleigh that does the rounds of the local streets handing out goodies. Towards the afternoon I went shopping with Deb, accompanied by Murrae, Tracey, Mal and Linda.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - In the end, it wasn't that successful a shopping trip.
PPS - Not as much as we'd hoped, anyway.

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