Friday 9 February 2007


On my Google calendar, I often fill in the Location field to remind me where to go. It helpfully links to Google Maps to show me where that place might be. The problem then is that I must formulate my Locations as precise Google Maps searches to make the links work. I want to be able to write, for example, "Adam's house" and have it work properly. In fact, the best way for that to work would be to link to my GMail account book and search for "Adam", then see if I've got his home address recorded. If so, that's probably the place I mean.
Failing that, maybe I can have some personal locations bookmarked in Google Maps, the same way I can in Google Earth.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I just don't want to write "Queensland, Australia" after every Location.
PPS - And people are easier to remember than street names.

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