Friday 30 March 2007

When do I throw out my shoes?

I read about a disposable pedometer that you can attach to your shoes. Its purpose is to let you know when to replace your worn-out runners based on the amount of use they've got. I have a better and simpler idea: a wear spot. Basically there's a spot on the soles of the shoes and you're meant to replace them when it's worn out. It would be softer and more wearing than the rest of the sole because apparently you're meant to toss your shoes long before they start to show visible age. This product could even be made in a sold-separately sticky version to attach to shoes not made with the feature. There. I just saved you a few dollars.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Also, I don't think "disposable" and "electronics" really go together.
PPS - Unless you can put it through a paper shredder and make Christmas cards from the pulp.

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