Thursday 17 April 2008


A while ago, I believed I would never be bored again. This was based primarily on always having a list of things to do that could occupy my time. Yesterday, however, I was at home sick and, for most of the time, alone. I did not work from my list because it didn't occur to me. Usually I don't have to. So yesterday I got bored, and it was a kind of revelation. It may just mean that I need to pay more attention to my actions list at home instead of just at work.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Being sick, I may not have been able to do much anyway.
PPS - But I can see now a few achievable actions I could have done.


Erin Marie said...

I used to tell the kids at OSH Care that only boring people get bored.

They didn't much like that.

John said...

No, I can't imagine that going down very well at all.

Erin Marie said...

It did make them go and find something to do though.